It’s Time To Bloom

Women´s Online Workshop

tati, llamame!


it is time to reconnect with our feminine energy; time to awaken and strengthen the spiritual connection with Life, with Mother Earth, the elements and the universe.
It is time to remember the Unique Essence of each one.

It is time to activate our pleasure, power and creative energy to awaken our inner artist who can transform, like Mother Earth, everything experienced into fertilizer to create beauty and abundance in life.

Let us remember together our unique gifts and talents and nourish life by giving flowers and fruits that beautify the world from our essence.

Join this journey of transformation and lets bloom together.

It’s YOUR time.

Are you seeking a deeper connection with yourself and with Mother Earth?

Do you want to reconnect with your soul purpose and your inner artist and find ways to contribute to humanity and the Earth from a more authentic and essential place?

This workshop is for YOU if: 

1.You want to awaken a deeper spiritual connection with yourself, with Mother Earth, and with your soul’s purpose.

2.You want to reconnect with your most authentic life purpose.

3. You are going through grief, a separation, or preparing to make a decision that requires energy and strength.

4.You want to awaken and give voice to your inner artist, your nature with your artistic and psychic gifts and talents.

5.You want to help raise consciousness and serve the awakening of humanity’s consciousness, contributing from your essence to the construction of a New Earth: An Earth with more Love, more Peace and more Unity where we understand from the heart that we all form one big family.

It´t Time To Bloom

4 Week Women´s Online Workshop

February 20 to March 19

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¿What does The workshop Include?

The workshop includes:

 – 5 live classes via Zoom of 2 hours each. 

Tuesdays: February  20, 27- March 5, 12 and 19.    

* All classes will be recorded and available for 3 months.

-Weekly guides to deepen the process that include rituals, Songs, Ancestral Wisdom  and self-knowledge practices through art and writing. 

-Visualizations, meditations and Ancestral songs to open the heart to the new vibration and work on opening the voice of the soul.

-A WhatsApp group through which we will be connected as a group to nurture the collective and individual process.


Schedules for the live sessions

We Offer 2 Different Schedules for the live sessions

For the 5 live classes on Tuesdays, we offer 2  different schedules. 

Remember that if you cannot attend live, they will be recorded for 3 months.

Schedule 1

For women in Europe , the UK, USA Or latin America

Tuesdays :

  • 6:30pm to 8:30pm Berlin/Ginebra Time 

  • 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm London Time 

  • 8:30 am to 10:30 am PST USA


Schedule 2

 for women in USA, Canada or Latin america

Tuesdays: 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm PST

  • 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST  

  • 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm CST 

  • 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm EST

*All classes will be recorded and be available for 3 months.

The process is guided

By Tatiana Samper

Who am I?

I am a medicine woman, biologist, musician, writer, Biodanza teacher and mother of Mayna. I consider myself a Human Ecologist. 

Through my music, online workshops and Temazcal ceremonies, I spread the message of unity and love with Mother Earth helping people heal and reconnect with the Spirit of life and reconnect to the nature within. 

I have walked the Ancestral path with elders since 2000 when I went to live in the Amazon Rainforest for almost 2 years. Since then I have connect deeply to the Spirit of Mother Earth and have learned with different indigenous tribes around the world following the Red Road Path.

In 2009 I began to be part of the Moon Dance circle Huiztlampayotl Metzli in Colombia, and in 2014 I received the Sacred obsidian Peace Pipe.

 In 2015 I received the Blessing of the Temazcal (Sweat Lodge ) by Abuela Margarita Nuñez with whom I did my 4 vision quests. 

Since 2021 I have been dancing to the Moon in Mount shasta California in the ChicuautliMetzli circle .

I m a biodanza facilitator since 2013 and a leader in training in dance universal peaces of the sufi path since 2018.

In 2013, I began working with women leading circles and different workshops and retreats. In  2018, I created Es Tiempo de FloreSer (It’s Time To Bloom online workshop ) and I have provided to 200 women around the world with beautiful experiences and results.

Cost of the workshop

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The Cost of the 4 online weeks  workshop is 



If you want to be part of our journey of transformation, you can pay here 

Pay U : 

Once your payment is succesful you will be redirected to our web page where you will find the link to join our Whatsapp private group. 

*If you prefer to pay with PAY PAL, western union  or by a transfer to bancolombia   please contact me after doing the paymen to this number whats App 3245205506


Please be aware that I receive $144.


Tatiana Samper


saving account 91549435004

Swift code: COLOCOBM

*Western Union 

Tatiana samper 

Id 52453141


It´s time to bloom

Welcome to join this beautiful journey of transformation 

Please join our community

Subscribe to our website

Tatiana Samper +57 3245205506.